These are some cheesy dancing letter GIFs. They were probably made in the 90's or early 2000's. The creator of them is shrouded in mystery. One thing's for sure, though - they're not me! These red characters with arms and legs have appeared around all corners of the internet since then. These GIFs can be seen in some internet memes. An example is * * If you don't understand it, it's basically an ironic version of 'LOL SO RANDOM' I retrieved these letters from You can use them freely without any permission or attribution... practically. Technically, the GIFs are still under copyright law, but come on, nobody's getting sued for using them :) ~mayhair Update (Feb 14, 2020): Added gifs for digits (e.g. 0, 1) and miscellaneous characters (e.g. dollar sign, question mark).